Get Calgary chiropractic treatment for all your physical wellness needs
Our Services
Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments is a non-invasive, highly skilled procedure consisting of a gentle, controlled and directed movement to help relieve pain, discomfort and improve range of motion
Active Release Therapy
Active Release Technique can treat problems with tendons, ligaments, fascia, muscles, and nerves. It focuses on soft tissue that has built up scar tissue, which is deposited in healthy tissue as a result of acute injury, microtrauma, and hypoxia
Contemporary Acupuncture
Acupuncture helps stimulate the nervous system to set the body’s natural healing mechanisms into action. Contemporary acupuncture utilizes an evidence-based approach to treat pain, altered movement patterns as well as improve sports performance
Exercise Rehabilitation
Exercise rehabilitation is essential for injury management. It encompasses muscle strengthening, core stabilization, balance training, proprioceptive training, stretching and sport-specific movement training
Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization is a form of soft tissue mobilization technique that utilizes plastic or metal instruments to help identify scar tissue built up sites and break down scar tissue to promote healing
MVA Claims
You can book an appointment directly with Dr. Chou without a need for a medical doctor referral to receive care following your accident
“I've been to a few chiropractors throughout my life and I found Dr. Leo to be one of the most personal, friendly and caring professionals I've met. He takes time to listen to your concerns and explains his assessments in a way that each person can understand. He also explains what procedures he will be doing, how you will feel after and why he did it. From my experience with previous chiropractors, I've only had chiropractor adjustments completed and I would have to seek out acupuncture separately if needed. His use of acupuncture, soft tissue and manual adjustments have made me feel better and I feel the interventions working days after the adjustment … I highly recommend seeing him for your chiropractic needs!.”
— Joi Garcia.